Sam Houston State University Undergraduate Catalog 2006-2008
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Major in Banking and Financial Institutions | Minor in Banking | Major in Finance | Minor in Finance | Major in General Business Administration | Major in General Business Administration with PGA Emphasis | Minor in General Business Administration | Minor in Entrepreneurship | Minor in Business Education

Course Descriptions

Chair: Joe F. James

Faculty: Leroy Ashorn, Jim Bexley, Donald Brown, Harry Griffin, Martin Griffin, Steve Henry, Kathy Hill, Harold Hurry, Geraldine Hynes, Kurt Jesswein, Keith Jenkins, Hadley Leavell, Bala Maniam, Charles Stowe, Robert Stretcher, Laura Sullivan, Shirley Tucker-Findley


The mission of the Department of General Business and Finance is to assist in fulfilling the mission of the University and the College of Business Administration by providing students at the undergraduate and master’s levels with an academic foundation to become productive citizens, to develop successful careers, and to provide interested students with the background to pursue graduate or professional studies. The academic foundation leading to a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Banking and Financial Institutions, Finance, or General Business Administration is designed to arouse intellectual curiosity, develop analytical reason, and provide historical and current information relative to the global environment.

Academic Programs

  • BBA in Banking and Financial Institutions
  • BBA in Finance
  • BBA in General Business Administration

The Banking and Financial Institutions (Bfi) degree program is designed to prepare students for officer-level positions in banks and other financial institutions. The Finance (FIN) degree program is designed to provide students with the knowledge of the problems and opportunities that confront entities in the specific field of finance. The General Business Administration (GBA) degree program provides an opportunity to customize student-selected electives for a broad base in business, to specialize within an industry, or to develop a minor either inside or outside the College of Business Administration.


An Executive MBA in Banking was added during the previous catalog (2004-2006) period. In addition, the College of Business Administration was certified to participate in the Professional Golf Association of America’s PGA/PGM program with participating students receiving the BBA degree in General Business Administration.

Suggested Minors

Both the Banking and the Finance degree majors have limited electives available; therefore no minor is required. Students in these two areas may elect to declare a minor; however, the additional courses will add to the length of their programs.

An entrepreneurship minor would be very beneficial to students anticipating starting or running their own businesses.

General Business Administration majors should consider a minor in one of the approved business minors to provide depth of knowledge in at least one business field.

  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Business Education
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing

Career Opportunities

Both the Finance and General Business Administration degree programs are designed to prepare students for careers in business, government, or not-for-profit entities; to include the core business courses required for admission to master’s or other professional programs; or to be combined with a sequence of professional education courses and other requirements by the College of Education to earn a certificate to teach in secondary schools.

Student Organizations

Beta Alpha Psi


Scholarships are available on a competitive basis for Banking, Finance, and General Business Administration majors. Applications from upper-classmen for various scholarships, available through the department office and through the Dean’s office, are accepted between January 2 and February 15. Scholarship recipients are announced in April for the following academic year. The specific scholarships available vary from year to year and may include:

  • International Association of Administrative Professional-Houston Chapter/ Dr. Rita B. Huff and Dr. Ronald D. Johnson Endowed Scholarship
  • Laurence L. Corley Scholarship
  • American Bank Scholarship
  • Citizens Bank of Texas Scholarship
  • Citizens Bank of Texas Sam Houston Alumni Scholarship
  • Juanita Eikner Scholarship
  • John Klein/Amegy Bank Scholarships
  • Klein Trust Fund Banking Scholarships
  • Walter E. Johnson Scholarships

Program Specific Requirements

Minimum Grades in Finance Courses

A minimum grade of “C” in finance courses taken (prefix FIN) is required for students to graduate with a BBA in Finance.

Major In Banking and Financial Institutions1
Bachelor of Business Administration

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 266, 267; PHL 261, 263 3
HIS 163, 164 6 SCM 282 3
MTH 199 3 ECO 233, 234 6
Laboratory Science2 8 POL 261, 200-level Political Science 6
CS 133, 143, or GBA 180 3 ACC 231, 232 6
Visual and Performing Arts Elective3 3 BAN 232, GBA 281 6
KIN 215 1 Cultural Studies Electives4 3
  30   33
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
FIN 334, 367 6 MGT 475, 476 6
GBA 389, 362 6 FIN 432, 468, 472, 486 12
BAN 363, MKT 371 6 FIN Electives (300- or 400-level5) 3
ACC 365, MGT 380 6 ECO Elective (300- or 400-level) 3
Business Electives (300- or 400-level) 3 Electives 8
FIN Electives (300- or 400-level) 3   32
MIS 388 3    

Minor in Banking

Minor in Banking: A minor in Banking (18 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs in the College of Business Administration. The minor in Banking requires FIN 334, 468, 432, 472; 6 additional semester hours selected from FIN 499 - Bank Internship (no more than 3 semester hours per semester with a maximum of 6 hours), FIN 465, FIN 471, or FIN 486 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. The minor in Banking is also available to Ag Business majors. In addition to the courses listed here for COBA majors, the following additional courses will be required for Ag Business majors to obtain the banking minor: ACC 231, ACC 232, and FIN 367. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in banking must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the banking minor or not.

Major In Finance1
Bachelor of Business Administration

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 266, or 267; PHL 261, 263 3
HIS 163, 164 6 SCM 282 3
MTH 199 3 ECO 233, 234 6
Laboratory Science2 8 POL 261, 200-level Political Science 6
CS 133, 143, or GBA 180 3 ACC 231, 232 6
Visual and Performing Arts Elective3 3 BAN 232, GBA 281 6
KIN 215 1 Cultural Studies Electives4 3
  30   33
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
FIN 334, 367, 432 9 MGT 475, 476 6
GBA 389, 362 6 FIN 468, 469, 486 9
BAN 363, MKT 371 6 FIN Electives (300- or 400-level5) 6
ACC 365, 366 6 ECO Elective (300 or 400 level) 3
MGT 380 3 Electives 8
MIS 388 3   32

Minor in Finance

Minor in Finance: A minor in Finance (24 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in Finance requires ACC 231, 232; FIN 334, 367, 486; 6 additional advanced hours in FIN courses; and 3 additional hours of FIN courses at any level with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in finance must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the finance minor or not.

Major in General Business Administration1
Bachelor of Business Administration

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 266, or 267; PHL 261, 263 3
HIS 163, 164 6 SCM 282 3
MTH 199 3 ECO 233, 234 6
Laboratory Science2 8 POL 261, 200-level Political Science 6
CS 133, 143, or GBA 180 3 ACC 231, 232 6
Visual and Performing Arts Elective3 3 BAN 232 3
KIN 215 1 GBA 281 3
  30 Cultural Studies Electives4 3
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
FIN 334, 367 6 MGT 475 3
GBA 362, 389 6 MGT 476 3
BAN 363, MKT 371 6 ECO elective (300- or 400-level) 3
MGT 380 3 Business Elective (300- or 400-level)6 6
MIS 388 3 Electives (3 hrs. 300- or 400-level) 17
Business Electives 9   32

Major in General Business Administration with PGM Emphasis
Bachelor of Business Administration

First Year Credit Second Year Credit
ENG 164, 165 6 ENG 265, 266, or 267; PHL 261, 263 3
HIS 163, 164 6 SCM 282 3
MTH 199 3 ECO 233, 234 6
Laboratory Science2 4 POL 261 3
CS 133, 143, or GBA 180 3 ACC 231, 232 6
Visual and Performing Arts Elective3 3 BAN 232 3
KIN 215 1 Cultural Studies Electives4 3
GBA 1117 2 GBA 1117 2
  28   29
Summer First Year   Summer Second Year  
GBA 2198 1 GBA 2198 1
Third Year Credit Fourth Year Credit
Laboratory Science2 4 MGT 475 3
AGR 375 3 MIS 388 3
GBA 281 3 FIN 367 3
GBA 366 3 GBA 362 3
GBA 389 3 MKT 376 3
MKT 371 3 BAN 363 3
MGT 380 3 FCS 241 4
200-level Political Science 3 KIN 362 3
GBA 3119 2 GBA 3119 2
  27   27
Summer Third Year   Summer Fourth and Fall Fifth Year  
GBA 319 1 GBA 429 2
Fifth Year (Spring)      
MGT 476 3    
ECO Elective (300- or 400-level) 3    
FIN 334 3    
Elective 3    

Minor in General Business Administration

A minor in General Business Administration (21 hours) is available to all non-business bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in General Business Administration requires ACC 231, 232; ECO 230 or 233 or 234; MKT 371; MGT 380; FIN 334 or 367; and 3 additional hours of business electives at any level with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in General Business Administration must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the general business administration minor or not.

Minor in Entrepreneurship

Minor in Entrepreneurship: A minor in Entrepreneurship (18 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in Entrepreneurship requires: FIN 334; GBA 362, 366, and 464; and two courses from FIN 465, MGT 334, or MKT 371 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in Entrepreneurship must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the entrepreneurship minor or not.

Minor in Business Education

The required minor for someone wishing to use business as a second teaching field in Texas high schools requires ACC 231, 232; ECO 233, 234; GBA 260, 362, and 389; FIN 171; and MGT 380 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in Business Education must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the business education minor or not.

1 Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the B.B.A. degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.

2 Two four-hour laboratory science courses must be taken from: Biology (including ESC 147), Chemistry, Geography/Geology (the only geography course that satisfies a laboratory science requirement is GEO 131/111), or Physics.

3 Select from AGR 299*, ART 160, 161, 163, 260, DNC 172, 176, MUS 161, 264, 265, THR 160, 164, 166, 230, 231. Satisfies the Visual and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area 4 of the Core Curriculum (see pages 52-53 of this catalog).

4Select from BSL 236, Foreign Languages 263, 264, GEO 265, 266, HIS 265, 266, or SOC 168. Satisfies the Cultural Studies requirement of Component Area 4 of the Core Curriculum (see pages 52-53 of this catalog).

5 FIN 439 and 471 are typically offered only in the fall semester and FIN 377, 465, and 487 are typically offered only in the spring semester.

6 GBA 363 is typically offered only in the fall semester and GBA 466 is typically offered only in the spring semester.

7 GBA 111 is repeated each Fall and Spring of the first and second year of the program

8GBA 219 is repeat during the Summer Sessions following the first and second year of the program

9 GBA 311 is repeated each Fall and Spring of the second and third year of the program

Course Descriptions:

*Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.